Building Fortification

Celebrating 20 Years of Service!

Martinez & Associates fortification.


About Martinez & Associates

Home and Business owners are strengthening their properties against storm damage by using FORTIFIED construction standards. Whether building new, re-roofing or retrofitting an existing property, FORTIFIED is affordable and effective at any price point.

FORTIFIED is a nationally recognized building method and standard based on over 20 years of scientific research and real-world testing and observations by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS)

It is code-plus and exceeds the vast majority of building codes by improving the performance of buildings against natural hazards and reducing the risk of personal property losses.

The unique systems-based, tiered approach requires documenting and verifying all aspects of construction, ensuring homes and businesses are built to the standard.

There are FORTIFIED standards for coastal and inland construction. Each standard will reduce damage from the specific weather-related threats a building will face, including hurricanes, hail, high winds, and low-level tornadoes.

Inland, IBHS engineers believe property damage from EF-0, EF-1, and low-level EF-2 tornadoes can be virtually eliminated using FORTIFIED standards. 

On the Coast, properties are strengthened against the devastating power of tropical storms, hurricanes, thunderstorms and straight-line winds.

A FORTIFIED Evaluatoris the only professional who can help you earn a FORTIFIED Designation and take advantage of all the programs benefits. 

The program starts by focusing on the roof, which is the most important and vulnerable part of every building.

There are three levels of FORTIFIED Home™ designation – Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

The FORTIFIED Home program
 helps homeowners strengthen their home against the devastating power of severe weather

The  FORTIFIED Commercial Programmakes new and existing commercial buildings more resistant to damage from severe weather


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